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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Club Penguin - Field Ops #99

Hey guys! It's me, Crash Zxz1. I'm posting about the new field op. It's located at the forest, this guide will show you how to do it.

You should get a message from your spy phone saying you have a new field op. Go to the EPF and look at the task G wants you to do.

Gary said: "With the Fair, in town, we'll need to increase island security. There will be large crowds, so we don't want an incident. Head to the Forest, and power up a security scanner. That's where the Great Puffle Circus will be. And so shall we."

To do the field op you need to go to the forest.

Click on your spy phone and have fun doing the field op, watch out for traps!

I hope you all found this guide useful. Have fun doing it, comment down below your thoughts.

-Crash Zxz1