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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Club Penguin: Meeting Gary in server Jack Frost

Yep, we (Kylohn and me) met Gary! It was all thanks to this tweet:
So I rushed to http://play.clubpenguin.com and logged in as fast as I can. After some searching, I found Gary almost alone.
Yup, lucky me. After I got my ghost goggles on,  it started to look a bit crowded.

Fun fact 1# Gary isn't Polo Field.
After a while, we decided to explore a bit more.
Gary needed some ingredients for his experiment. Coffee, ice cream, and...
Look, here is me, standing pretty damn close to Gary:
After a little while he said: Let's go to the Coffee Shop! So, I rushed to the Coffee Shop before it was crowded. Here is me, with a few other penguins waiting.
While Gary was changing rooms to the Coffee Shop, Kylohn logged in. This is what he said on Twitter:
So, after Gary entered the Coffee Shop, it looked a little bit like this:
Here is Kylohn sitting with James Wortel, not in the crowded area:
Fun Fact 2# Gary doesn't have puffles
Sadly, he had to go away, but he left us an awesome time. BYE GARRRRY!
Thank you for taking your time to read this post.
We appreciate!

-Bram Akker


James Carrot said...

Hey look thats me! :)

Anakin CP said...

Look,i am there :O